"SPIRALS Care is a simple and easy to use medical system connecting patients and doctors ..."
Know your Doctors
Spirals Care is a platform to find Doctors around you, know everything about doctors including their experience, expertise, qualifications, blogs , clinics, timings of consultation etc.
Integrated with Google Maps, SPIRALS Care allows you to find the distance to the clinic as well as directions without having to search yourself.
Book Appointment
See Doctor’s available time slots as per desired dates. Select a timeslot and book appointment in less than a minute. Whether you are booking your appointment for the first time through SPIRALS Care or you are a revisiting patient, there is no hassle to call or drive to the clinic for an appointment booking. Do it at your own comfort.
This state of the art solution has complete privacy and security of patient data. The patient gets a call from the Clinic to confirm appointment and insurance details. This is secured verification call by Clinical Coordinator. Upon confirmation, doctor calls the patient through secured system and prescription is shared.
Keep Medical History
Prepare your secure and PHI aligned Medical history in your secured account. Keep updating information as and when required. Share this information with any new clinic visited for any medical condition. This system is secured by an “one time security code”, which ensures that information is accessed by authorized person only.